Derivations from a political performance: emergence and strength of movements 131 and YoSoy132

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Nelson Arteaga Botello
Javier Arzuaga Magnoni


This article examines how a political performance becomes a sphere of social effervescence that contributes to the creation of various binary discourses in an election and how this opens the door to political change. It thereby seeks to determine the strength of an event in the political structure and hierarchy, in other words, the influence that a performative situation can have on a broader social scale. It addresses the specific case of the university student movements called 131 and YoSoy132. The text shows how political performances can give rise to the creation of icons and symbols of social change.


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Arteaga Botello, N., & Arzuaga Magnoni, J. (2013). Derivations from a political performance: emergence and strength of movements 131 and YoSoy132. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 76(1).