The sociohistorical universe of the klitsch images

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Marco Germán Mallamaci


This paper presents a sociological analysis of visuality, proposing an historical movement between the photographic device, the kitsch society and the horizon of digital capitalism. A terminological shift is attempted from the photographic click, the kitsch as socio-esthetic mechanism and the digital click. The argument begins with the works of Walter Benjamin, Susan Sontag, Roland Barthes and Vilém Flusser; then it reviews the notion of kitsch; finally, it introduces the concept of
klitsch, a neologism that would explain the functionality of capitalism’s visuality in an era marked by programming and digital network hyperlinks.  


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How to Cite
Mallamaci, M. G. (2020). The sociohistorical universe of the klitsch images. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 82(4).
Author Biography

Marco Germán Mallamaci

Complejo Universitario Islas Malvinas (CUIM-Universidad Nacional de San Juan).