Províctima... a paradox? A systemic analysis of the Procuraduría Social de Atención a Víctimas

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Tania Galaviz Armenta


The article uses systems theory to analyze the limits and scope of the Office for Victims of Crime (Províctima), created on 6 September 2011 by the Mexican government to provide services for crime victims. It regards this office as a paradox of the system, as a result of which it undertakes the analysis of this concept and its implications for the operation of the system. It also reflects on the creation of the category of crime victims as a parameter of the operation of the system and its alignment with the national and international legal framework.


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Galaviz Armenta, T. (2012). Províctima. a paradox? A systemic analysis of the Procuraduría Social de Atención a Víctimas. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 74(4).