¿Excluidos o incluidos? Recuperadores de materiales reciclables en Latinoamérica

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Nicolás Villanova


The phenomenon of recyclable materials recovery has occurred on a massive scale in several Latin American countries in recent decades.
This article seeks to examine the circuit followed by these materials in cities of three countries: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. The aim is
to analyze this process and the labor conditions of those who collect and classify the material independently or in cooperatives and their link with firms that use these products as raw material, particularly paper mills, using bibliographical sources, official statistics and newspaper articles and case studies in the analysis of the situation in Argentina.


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Villanova, N. (2012). ¿Excluidos o incluidos? Recuperadores de materiales reciclables en Latinoamérica. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 74(2). https://doi.org/10.22201/iis.01882503p.2012.2.31203