La experiencia de los consejos asesores presidenciales en Chile y la construcción de los problemas públicos

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Manuel Antonio Garretón
María Angélica Cruz
Félix Aguirre


This text examines the link between the process of formulating public policies and sociopolitical participation on the basis of a study of three presidential advisory boards during the government of Michelle Bachelet. This analysis is set within the framework of debates about the new ways of conducting politics and deepening participatory democracy. Although these boards emerge as a means of refining the government’s program and politically mediating social demands, the authors examine wether they can be transformed into
an alternative to modify relations between state and society when a series of conflicts linked to the “new social issue” have to be dealt with.


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How to Cite
Garretón, M. A., Cruz, M. A., & Aguirre, F. (2012). La experiencia de los consejos asesores presidenciales en Chile y la construcción de los problemas públicos. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 74(2).