Controversia y La Ciudad Futura: democracia y socialismo en debate

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Ariana Reano


The purpose of this paper is to recover the political and intellectual debates on democracy that took place between 1979 and 1989 within the framework of the Mexican journal Controversia and the Argentinean journal La Ciudad Futura. These debates will be the starting point for the analysis of the discussions on how to conceive of the link between formal and substantive democracy during the Argentinean transition to democracy. The aim is to show that the meaning of democracy is heir to a debate between traditions and conceptions of politics in tension that began before and increased after its formal beginning in 1983.


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Reano, A. (2012). Controversia y La Ciudad Futura: democracia y socialismo en debate. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 74(3).