La producción silenciada de los “desastres naturales” en catástrofes sociales

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Victor Marchezini


Disasters are socioenvironmental phenomena requiring the state to provide a set of measures and mechanisms to address the crisis scenario. One of the techniques used by govern-ments is to declare an emergency situation or issue a disaster declaration. This article shows that the technique of declaring a state of emergency is a mechanism which, instead of gua-ranteeing human rights in disaster situations, permits new violations and establishes the conditions for the silenced production of catastrophes.


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How to Cite
Marchezini, V. (2015). La producción silenciada de los “desastres naturales” en catástrofes sociales. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 76(2).
Author Biography

Victor Marchezini, Universidad Federal de São Carlos.

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Federal de São Carlos. Temas de especialización: riesgos y desastres socioambientales, derechos humanos.