Sociedad civil y Revolución Ciudadana en Ecuador

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Andrés Ortiz Lemos


With the aim of establishing a participatory democratic model, in line with the demands of social movements, the Citizens Revolution project in Ecuador has created a complex regulatory-institutional machinery, which, paradoxically, seeks to reify the main scenarios of action by civil society in the public sphere. This process has been characterized by the standard-ization and bureaucratization of opportunities for participation and social control; the design of state strategies of confrontation towards social movements, and the disciplinary control of spheres of opinion created by the media and universities.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Lemos, A. (2015). Sociedad civil y Revolución Ciudadana en Ecuador. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 76(4).
Author Biography

Andrés Ortiz Lemos, Universidad de Kentucky.

Doctor en Estudios Políticos por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-Ecuador. Universidad de Kentucky. Temas de especialización: sociedad civil, democracia, esfera pública, teoría crítica, teoría del discurso.