Bibliometric analysis of the Revista Mexicana de Sociología based on citation indicators

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Antonio Sánchez Pereyra
Oralia Carrillo Romero
Patricia Garrido Villegas


This paper presents in a graphic and summarized way the statistics and indicators that can be used to calculate the use and impact of Revista Mexicana de Sociología (RMS). For this purpose, it presents usage statistics of the electronic version of the journal, available in SciELO-Mexico Collection; in particular, it emphasizes citation data and indicators (numberof citations of the journal) reported by three bibliometric databases in which this journal is indexed: SciELO, SciELO Citation Index and Scopus.


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Sánchez Pereyra, A., Carrillo Romero, O., & Garrido Villegas, P. (2015). Bibliometric analysis of the Revista Mexicana de Sociología based on citation indicators. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a.