Family and the sticky floor in the Spanish armed forces

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María Gómez Escarda
Jaime Hormigos Ruiz
Rubén J. Pérez Redondo


This article analyzes the presence of the sticky floor within the military profession in Spain. It focuses on how the family influences the occurrence of this phenomenon and considers sociodemographic variables and the variables related to the idiosyncrasy of the Spanish armed forces. The data used are based on a survey of soldiers and sailors and on semi-structured interviews with servicemen and women, who have provided information on how they limit or modify their professional careers and prioritize their family life.


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Gómez Escarda, M., Hormigos Ruiz, J., & Pérez Redondo, R. J. (2016). Family and the sticky floor in the Spanish armed forces. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 78(2).