“Forward, Motherland!” The invention of the nation under Rafael Correa

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Mónica Patricia Mancero Acosta


Rafael Correa’s regime in Ecuador, correísmo, has used control over the press and a conservative nationalist strategy based on the state to attempt to establish vertical hegemony. This article interprets this nationalistic rhetoric as the resurgence of a miscegenation project. The Citizens’ Revolution has challenged the notion of liberal citizenship and undertaken
the task of inserting “traditional” subjects into a modern world. At the same time, it has appealed to the national community and built a model of a white-mestizo nation that buries differences and the political proposal of constructing a plurinational, intercultural state.


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Mancero Acosta, M. P. (2017). “Forward, Motherland!” The invention of the nation under Rafael Correa. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 79(2). https://doi.org/10.22201/iis.01882503p.2017.2.57665