Critique of marxist reason: “Crisis of Marxism” in Controversia (1979-1981)

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Diego Giller


By the end of the seventies, a series of debates known as the “crisis of marxism” were sparked in Europe. At the same time, a heterogeneus group of Argentinean exiled in Mexico began publishing Controversia. Para el análisis de la realidad argentina. The aim of this work is to analyze the different manners of appropriation and discussion of the “crisis of marxism” within the magazine, relating them to other problems existing there: the Latin-Americanized experience of exile, the intellectual world of Mexican left-wing, the critique of “real socialism”, and the reception of eurocommunist ideas.


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Giller, D. (2017). Critique of marxist reason: “Crisis of Marxism” in Controversia (1979-1981). Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 79(3).