Dependence, state assistance and postconflict: PAHD socioeconomic component

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Daniel Castaño Zapata
Juan Edilberto Rendón Ángel


This article examines the various groups and subjects attach to the dependence of Colombian former paramilitary combatants coming from the process of disarmament, demobilization and reinsertion begun in 2003. Primary information is based on interviews to key informants. It posits that the legitimacy of the dependence legitimacy on state assistance in postconflict contexts is based on different axes of values to those that structure the liberal notion of legitimate dependence. It concludes that these social programs are challenged as regards merit and individual responsibility for the absence of self-worth, but are also acknowledged because of the need for social pacification.


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Castaño Zapata, D., & Rendón Ángel, J. E. (2017). Dependence, state assistance and postconflict: PAHD socioeconomic component. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 80(1).