Exclusion of illiterate people in the employment relationship

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Rosa María Pineda Trujillo
José Benjamín Chapa García


This article analyzes the structure of opportunities available to illiterate people in Jalisco (Mexico), in public institutions focusing on insertion and training in and for the labor market. The authors examine the exclusion of those who are unable to read and write through interviews and the analysis of official documents, since illiterates are often invisibilized. The social stigma that they are ignorant in every respect is promoted and their knowledge, skills and experiences are denied. Public institutions adopt a one-dimensional view of the illiterate population, focusing on their lack of schooling, and ignoring their needs and their social rights.


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Pineda Trujillo, R. M., & Chapa García, J. B. (2018). Exclusion of illiterate people in the employment relationship. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 80(4). https://doi.org/10.22201/iis.01882503p.2018.4.57794