Alternative agri-food networks: The Campagna Amica case

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Flávio Sacco dos Anjos
Nádia Velleda Caldas
Silvia Sivini


The last twenty years have witnessed the emergence of “alternative food networks” (or simply AFN), which arise worldwide in opposition to mainstream production, distribution and consumption. Italy is certainly one of the countries where this phenomenon has expanded significantly in the past decade. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the case of Campagna Amica, one of the most important experiences of afn in Europe that has been promoted by Coldiretti, the leading Italian leading agrarian organization. However, this initiative contains a number of contradictions that contrast with the “alternative nature” of this experience.


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Sacco dos Anjos, F., Velleda Caldas, N., & Sivini, S. (2018). Alternative agri-food networks: The Campagna Amica case. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 81(1).