Quota system, frauds and hyper-racism in Brazil

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Georgina Helena Lima Nunes
Sales Augusto dos Santos


This article discusses the existence of fraud in the quota system of Brazilian federal universities. It questions racial self-declaration as a sovereign measure for identifying black and brown students and, consequently, for ensuring their entry into the ethnic-racial sub-quotas established by the Quotas Law, while demonstrating the existence of another instrument of racial identification: the commissions to check the validity of ethnic-racial self-declaration. As a result of the existence of fraud and its consequences, it highlights the emergence of a new phase of racism in Brazil: hyper-racism.


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Lima Nunes, G. H., & dos Santos, S. A. (2019). Quota system, frauds and hyper-racism in Brazil. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 81(3). https://doi.org/10.22201/iis.01882503p.2019.3.57924