Among shop windows: Citizenship and consumption in Bogotá

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Adrián Serna-Dimas


This article presents a historicalsocial inquiry into the forms of sociability characteristic of different types of commercial places, and their incidence in the construction of the urban public world as well as
in the formation of various social identities, including citizen identity. The text is divided into four parts: 1) problem statement; 2) state
of the issue regarding relations between citizenship and consumption; 3) social history as methodology; 4) commercial places, forms of
sociability and social identities in Bogotá: the market place, store, warehouse, commercial passage, supermarket and mall.


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How to Cite
Serna-Dimas, A. (2019). Among shop windows: Citizenship and consumption in Bogotá. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 82(1).