Determinants of youth protest in Chile

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Joaquín Rozas Bugueño
Nicolás M. Somma


This article studies the determinants of protest participation among Chilean youngsters through national surveys (2006-2015), utilizing logistic models that predict whether youngsters protested or not. First,
it found that youngsters with higher status are more likely to protest. Second, youngsters identified with the political left protest more than the rest, but this relationship is stronger among those with higher socioeconomic background. Third, youngsters with lower trust in political parties, but more interested in participating in them, have more odds to protest. Finally, youngsters participating in sport clubs, soccer fan groups and scouts organizations are more likely to protest.


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Rozas Bugueño, J., & Somma, N. M. (2020). Determinants of youth protest in Chile. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 82(3).