Covid-19 and socioeconomic vulnerability: A convergent study

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Yvon Angulo
María Josefa Santos
Jesús M. Siqueiros


The Covid-19 pandemic has mobilized different groups of academics to join forces to respond from various fronts to the health crisis. In this context, a group of researchers explored the socioeconomic vulnerability of families in Mexico against mitigation strategies, particularly the quarantine. To do this,
the group conducted an online poll that was answered by nearly 53 000 people nationwide. This article describes the nature of the collaboration between social scientists and data scientists that represents a micro-laboratory on the evolution of scientific disciplines in general, while presenting some results of this study.


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How to Cite
Angulo, Y., Santos, M. J., & Siqueiros, J. M. (2021). Covid-19 and socioeconomic vulnerability: A convergent study. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a.