Travel in the life and work of Max Weber

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Eduardo Díaz Cano
Antonio Martín-Cabello
Almudena García Manso


This paper deals with an aspect of Max Weber’s life that is overlooked in the scientific literature: his experience as a traveler. His work has often been analyzed from a biographical, social or cultural point of view, with travel relegated to the background. Today, as the role of traveling in cultural creation has been reappraised, it has gained ground as an object of systematic study.
Accordingly, the paper aims to understand Weber’s work in relation to his trips. It presents a lifecourse arranged along four major stages: education, work, illness, and creative rest.


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How to Cite
Díaz Cano, E., Martín-Cabello, A., & García Manso, A. (2021). Travel in the life and work of Max Weber. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 83(4), 929–959.
Author Biography

Eduardo Díaz Cano, Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación y Sociología, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Técnico Académico responsable de la versión electrónica y digital de la Revista Mexicana de Sociología.


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