Refiguration and uncertainty: The careers of two generations of workers

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Leticia Muñiz Terra


This article analyzes the transformations that the organizational restructuring of firms entail for workers’ career patterns. In particular, it studies the changes in the Argentinean company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (ypf) and the modifications that have taken place in the occupational itineraries of its employees as a result of this process. The methodological approach is qualitative and was based on in-depth interviews and the analysis of written sources. It was found that oil workers went from having a clearly delineated career to a refigured, reduced, individualized and uncertain occupational itinerary.


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How to Cite
Muñiz Terra, L. (2016). Refiguration and uncertainty: The careers of two generations of workers. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 78(4).