Precariedad laboral y heterogeneidad ocupacional: una propuesta teórico-metodológica

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Rocío Guadarrama Olivera
Alfredo Hualde Alfaro
Silvia López Estrada


This article examines job precariousness as part of the discussion on the new and diverse forms of work, characterized by their instability and lack of security. In order to analyze the Mexican case, an analytical proposal was formulated to highlight the various objective social conditions of precariousness and the subjective factors involved in the loss of security from the experience of social subjects. This theoretical discussion is illustrated through three contrasting occupations: dress-making, call centers and professional


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Guadarrama Olivera, R., Hualde Alfaro, A., & López Estrada, S. (2012). Precariedad laboral y heterogeneidad ocupacional: una propuesta teórico-metodológica. Revista Mexicana De Sociologí­a, 74(2).